
HodgeTwins Net Worth 2021 | Famous Brothers Total Career Earnings

  • HodgeTwins Net Worth: $3.7 Million
  • Born: 17th September 1975 (46 Years Old)
  • Profession: YouTubers, Fitness Experts, And Stand-up Comedians
  • Children: Keith Has 3, Kevin Has 4


According to, the famous American conservative HodgeTwins net worth is $3.7 million.

They are best known for their YouTube career and as stand-up comedians. More recently they have delved into political comment

Early life

Keith and Kevin Hodge were born on 17th September 1975 in Martinsville, Virginia. They were very poor growing up and had very little in the way of possessions or privileges in their childhood.

Little is known about their parents, but their mother was also a twin.

Sadly, she died in 2013 the day before their birthday.

The Hodge twins have two other siblings, an older sister called Rosalyn and an older brother.

They were very shy when they were younger so having each other helped with their confidence.

Their parents didn’t have a good income, which meant they often couldn’t provide enough food for the whole family. This meant that the twins were forced to shoplift in order to have enough food.

Keith and Kevin have talked openly about their childhood.

They have talked about how they had to wear the same clothes for years even though they were too small. They even had to put cardboard and tape in their shoes as they had holes in the soles.

Despite their background, they were hard workers and both Kevin and Keith attended college and graduated from the American InterContinental University with a degree in Accounting and Finance.

Hodgetwins' Net Worth Explained: How It All Started

The Hodgetwins first jobs were as undercover security guards.

They then went on to work in insurance and were also enlisted in the Marine Corp.

It was during their time working in insurance that the brothers started to make videos for YouTube.

Eventually, they decided that they would be able to make a better go of it if they quit their insurance jobs.

Starting A YouTube Channel And Building A Following

It was in 2008 when the Hodgetwins first uploaded a video to YouTube.

Like so many who have become successful on YouTube their first videos were by their own admission, absolutely awful and cringeworthy.

They were just ordinary fitness videos about the typical things like 'how to workout' and 'which exercises are the best to increase muscle'.

The brothers' efforts went unrewarded as they struggled to gain any views for their early videos.

Undeterred by the lack of views, they continued to post content and tried new styles and formats to see which ones resonated with their audience.

Eventually, though, their videos gained more popularity and they acquired subscribers by the thousands every week.

Although they gave sound fitness advice it was the duo's personality and sense of humour that made them gain a huge following.

They were praised for their no-nonsense and common sense approach to fitness and they poked fun at those who, in their eyes, overcomplicated matters.

Soon, the Hodgetwins YouTube channel became popular and kept subscribers glued to their comedic videos.

They developed their own terms for different objects, which is something their followers really liked.

Getting Into Politics

As well as being comedians, the Hodgetwins are political commentators. They are also known as the Conservative Twins due to their political leanings.

Growing up, the pair have stated that they were both supporters of the Democrat party but it was only until they started researching, investigating and discussing the political issues of the day that they decided not to become affiliated with the party.

The brothers are now extremely vocal in their support for conservative politics and their Conservative Twins YouTube channel has more than one million subscribers.

The channel was setup in 2019 and in similar fashion to their fitness videos, it mainly features the twins talking to the camera about high profile news stories and political movements.

Kevin and Keith are both supporters of Donald Trump and they appeared on his Real News Update webcast.

They are also known to oppose Black Lives Matter, despite their African-American heritage believing it to be an anti-American, Marxist organisation.

Fitness Qualifications

In recent years, the pair have focussed their efforts and online content towards politics, but they will always be known for their fitness expertise and their great advice.

The Hodgetwins are both certified ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association) trainers.

They have been on the front page of Train magazine and have appeared as guests on the podcast The Fighter and the kind.

They also provide advice on

Hodgetwins' Awards, Nominations, and Huge Following

In 2016, at VidCon (a multi-genre online video tech conference), the Hodgetwins were named third best black creators by The Root, which is an online African-American-oriented magazine.

They were rated as the 4th best fitness YouTube channel by CheatSheat in 2016.

The Hodgetwins also have more than 2.4 million followers on Instagram and 6.2 million on Facebook.

On YouTube, they have 2.3 million subscribers on the Hodge Twins channel, 1.9 million subscribers on Conservative Twins, 1.5 million on askhodgetwins and 2.3 million on TwinMuscle.

Hodgetwins Tours, Website, and Merchandise

Owing to the pair's comedic style and their dry sense of humour, the brothers noticed that whether they were talking politics or fitness many of their followers enjoy their content purely for the twins' sarcastic take on an issue.

It was on this basis they decided to pursue a career in standup comedy and have become extremely successful.

The Hodgetwins now tour the world in .

They have a tour schedule that currently has shows in the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Europe.

The Hodgetwins website ( is full of all sorts of merchandise including baby onesies, hats, beanies, sweatshirts, men’s apparel, women’s apparel, supplements, stickers, tumblers, and beard products.

Many of their products, including their baby onesies, have political wording on like “mommy’s little republican”, “SOCIALism DISTANCING”, “legalize freedom”, “defend the police, defund the democrats”, “defund the media”, “I cry almost as much as liberals”, and “hiding from Biden”.

Their merchandise also supports the 2nd amendment with reference to guns.

What’s more, they also sell cards that look like credit cards.

One is called the “White Privilege Card” and has the slogan “trumps everything”.

The other is called the “official race card” and has the slogan “100% oppressed”,

Hodgetwins’s Family Life and Personal Life

Both Keith and Kevin Hodge are married. Keith married his wife Elizabeth on 31st May, 2000 and they have three children. Keith has kept details of his wife away from the spotlight but in 2016, he shared a picture of them together for their 16th wedding anniversary.

Keith Hodge has never spoken about his three children in detail as he prefers to keep their identities confidential so that they aren’t scrutinized by the media and the public.

In 2013, Keith said his children were 3, 6, and 12, which makes them 11, 14, and 20, in 2021. Keith’s daughter Dana is herself, a budding star on social media. She has over 10,000 Instagram followers and 67 subscribers to her channel.

Kevin Hodge is also secretive about his wife too. While it is known that she has Mexican heritage, her name is unknown.

Kevin has four children who are believed to be 9, 13, 18, and 25.

Famous HodgeTwins Quotes

“… you have a lot of ups and downs [in marriage]. It’s just a matter of sitting down and, y’know, getting through things.” – Kevin Hodge

“The one-size-fits-all mentality is another one of our pet hates”

“One of the things we don’t like about the fitness business is dealing with some of the egos where people think they are better than others because their fitness level may be better at the moment. It’s discouraging to people still trying to obtain their best personal fitness level.”

“It is life-changing for them, so it’s personal for us. It’s why we do what we do, the way we do it. We don’t sugar coat anything, and give them the same advice we follow on our own fitness journeys.”

“Kevin is more laid back and I really admire that about him” – Keith Hodge

“Keith is a lot more serious than I am, and I admire that about him.” – Kevin Hodge

“We believe that people pick their role models for different reasons. We didn’t start our YouTube channels to be role models. We did it to share our thoughts and perspectives.”

“What’s most important is that parents demonstrate a positive attitude to fitness and nutritional decisions. That way, children will adopt your positive attitude towards food, fitness and body image.”

Summary: Hodgetwins Net Worth 2021

  • The Hodgetwins Net Worth is 3.7 million.
  • They are best known for their YouTube career and comedy.
  • They were born in Virginia and had an impoverished childhood.
  • Keith and Kevin both have degrees in accountancy and finance from the American InterContinental University.
  • Their first jobs were as undercover security guards. They also enlisted in the Marine Corp.
  • The Hodgetwins started their YouTube channel in 2008.
  • They have a few different YouTube channels aside from their main one. They are into fitness and conservative politics and are quite outspoken about their views.
  • Their website is full of merchandise that clearly demonstrates their political leanings and views.
  • Both Keith and Kevin are fairly secretive about their private lives. They’ve both been married a long time and have children. Keith has 3 children, Kevin has 4.

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